Location(s) (full address) of the employment in Austria

The location of employment (place of deployment/work of the seconded employees) must be indicated with its full address!

Reporting of e.g. “various construction sites in Styria” or “A-4020 Linz” or “throughout Austria” is not permitted! Annexed lists of locations of employment are permissible only in case of more than five locations of employment and in exceptional cases


Note: If the customer as well as the employees are identical, there is the option of specifying up to 5 places of employment (click the “New” button to this end); from the 2nd place of employment on, the exact indication with beginning and probable duration must be indicated; the times for the employment locations 2–5 must be within the entire secondment period (Item 5).

If there is only one location of employment, this is exclusively the secondment period as a whole.


Permissible: A customer with e.g. 3 small construction sites; 


Not permissible: Registering the total staff of e.g. 30 workers on 5 sites for 12 months and deploying them as necessary at any particular moment!